In fall 2013, in our listening process, CAJM members and students expressed concern for the rate at which their children and peers were being kicked out of the classroom. Research showed that in some schools, up to 50% of the student body had been suspended at least once. We learned that dealing with behavioral problems by removing students from the classroom only exacerbates the situation and in fact makes our schools less safe.
At our annual Nehemiah Action Assembly, on April 29, 2014, 1,700 CAJM representatives gathered and gained commitments from the superintendent and Charleston County School Board to implement two best practices proven to reduce school suspension rates and improve the overall school climate: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Justice. PBIS was implemented in 10 schools beginning in Fall 2014, and 5 schools were identified for the piloting of Restorative Justice, which was to begin in Fall 2015.
In just one year, out of school suspensions dropped drastically in eight of the ten schools. For example, Jerry Zucker Middle School went from suspending 42% in one year to only 15% after implementing PBIS with fidelity.
We continue to follow-up on this work and plan to visit Duval County School District, in Jacksonville, FL, in December of 2016 with School Board Members to observe Restorative Justice in action.